I study functional genomics.

Hi there! This website exists for anyone who would like to know some details about who I am as a scientist, and the types of research I'm interested in conducting, as well as some details on my current research.

It's the beginning of 2025! I'm updating the research and bioinformatics pages with newly published papers and protocols.

In April 2024, I taught an updated MPG primer on bulk RNA-seq analysis, see the youtube video here.

In September of 2021, I taught a course on single cell RNA-seq analysis for the AHA's Vascular Discovery conference. Course materials are available on the bioinformatics page.

In July of 2021 I transitioned into a Research Scientist role at the newly established Gene Regulation Observatory at the Broad Institute. I hope to have many updates on my new role in the months to come.

From November 2017 until July 2021, I was a Research Fellow/PostDoc at Massachusetts General Hospital in the laboratories of Dr. Patrick Ellinor and Dr. Steven Lubitz. My research focused on the functional genomics of cardiovascular diseases, particularly arrhythmias. I'm recently finished up a project on profiling DNA-protein interactions in primary human left atrial tissue.

My graduate work was on chromatin modeling in glioblastoma in the laboratory of Dr. Vishy Iyer at the University of Texas at Austin (2010-2017).

Please feel free to link to this site, or to use any of the material linked here, with proper credit/citation.